Fri Aug 16

Calisthenics: The best type of exercise for your mental and psychological state

Yerai Alonso

Yerai Alonso

Calisthenics: The best type of exercise for your mental and psychological state

Apart from the obvious benefits of calisthenics as a sport, such as improved fitness, health, body composition and increased strength, there is also a psychological aspect that is not often talked about and that is very important.

Performing physical activity has an immediate effect on our mood, a short-term effect on our body perception and our self-esteem.

But specifically in the case of calisthenics the benefits are even greater:

  • Firstly, the barrier to entry is very small, since you do not need to pay for a gym, have equipment or go to a specific place. You can train for free, at home without equipment. When you are in a bad situation, you usually look for excuses not to train, but with calisthenics it is difficult to excuse yourself since you can literally get up from the couch or bed and start training. You only need to know some basic exercises or have a routine, which you can easily find and also for free. For example, you can check out our free routines section.
  • Secondly, the results come quickly, both aesthetically and in terms of performance. The intensity of calisthenics training for beginners is usually ideal for the person to quickly improve their performance and see results in their physique, encouraging them not to give up and to want to continue advancing.
  • Thirdly, we have the factor of outdoor training. If you are going to train in a park, you will be able to enjoy a bit of the outdoors and contact with nature and it is very easy and very common that in a short time you will meet people who train there and form bonds that can become friendships and training groups.

These factors make it possible for you to immediately notice positive changes in your mood and self-esteem. Nowadays, problems such as anxiety and depression seem to be increasingly common, and, apart from going to a professional to help you, having a physical activity that can help you as much as calisthenics can be a very positive step against these situations.

Training, progressing and overcoming new challenges, something that is practically intrinsic to our sport, is also something that no one can do for you. You have to take charge, take the reins, work on your discipline and your mental strength and do it, which can bring you so many good things in so many areas of life that I think its value is undeniable.

You will also promote self-care, you will be influenced to eat a healthier diet, to appreciate the health of your body and try to maintain it and in general you will value yourself more, all through something as simple as training for a while every day.

In short, doing sports in general is something tremendously positive not only on a physical level but also on a psychological level, and specifically calisthenics training has its own characteristics that are even better in that sense, so if you are in a difficult situation, apart from going to a professional, consider the possibility of joining the calisthenics community, we will be waiting for you with open arms to help you overcome any difficulty.

By Yerai Alonso


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