Reset Mission

The time has come to start again, and this time will be the final one. With this challenge you can start your training habit so that you finally take it seriously and can continue with discipline, achieving all your goals. We will start gently and progressively, and little by little you will prepare your body so that it has the solid base it needs. When we finish the 21 days you will be prepared for any goal you set and you will have built the foundation to be able to progress effectively. Let's get to it! Remember to share your progress tagging @calisteniapp
You should know:
- The duration of the routines will be between 15 and 50 minutes, depending on the breaks you use, the type of routine scheduled for that day and the moment of the challenge you are in. At first they will be shorter and the duration will progressively increase.
- At the beginning of the challenge the routines will be simple and we will increase the difficulty as your body adapts.
- Each day of the challenge you will have a routine for beginners, one for intermediates, one for advanced and one to do without equipment. Choose the one that best suits your level and, if necessary, adapt the exercises to your ability. Although we recommend that you try to do them as they are programmed.
- We will work the entire body and different capacities such as strength, endurance, cardio, as well as hypertrophy. Additionally, we will try different exercises and different approaches to make sure we hit all the angles.
Necessary material:
This challenge can be done with or without equipment, since every day you will have a routine option without equipment.
Minimum requirements:
Each day has a beginner option, so there is no minimum requirement to get started.
Required Material
Other challenges