Elite Endurance
- ⏤ To improve your endurance in Calisthenic's basic exercises. Being able to do some really challenging routines that will put you to the test.
- ⏤ Beginner
- ⏤ 24 Weeks
- ⏤ 3 Days

Program designed by Javi Alés, 5 times Spanish endurance champion. Resistance is the ability an athlete acquires to maintain an effort for as long as possible. It is a modality that is arousing more and more interest among athletes. calisthenics and non-calisthenics, because with resistance training you not only improve your aerobic and anaerobic capacity, but you will also increase your strength and build muscle mass, and you will be able to perform super sets that you never thought you would do.
For the development of strength you can find many programs on the internet, videos and other content, but the information you can find in terms of resistance training is scarce, so this program can be very valuable to you. your body to another level?
Must know
This program is designed for advanced athletes who want to improve their endurance. We propose a distribution of main routines and extra routines, in which your main objective will be be able to complete the main routine(s), before moving on to the next phase. Do not consider a phase completed if your level is very far from the one proposed in it. Use the extra routines as a complement to improve your ability.
Required Material
- Pull up bar
- Bodyweight
- Parallettes
- Low bar
- Kettlebell
- Box
- Weight
Being capable of doing:
- 5 muscle up
- 15 prone pull-ups
- 10 assisted handstand push-up
- 20 dips
Phase 1 ⏤ 2 Weeks
Conditioning Phase
Phase 2 ⏤ 4 Weeks
Volume Phase
Phase 3 ⏤ 6 Weeks
Strength Phase
Phase 4 ⏤ 6 Weeks
Endurance Phase
Phase 5 ⏤ 3 Weeks
Strength - Stamina Phase
Phase 6 ⏤ 3 Weeks
Elite Resistance Phase
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