Human Flag
- ⏤ Be able to make at least a 5" flag with good technique.
- ⏤ Intermediate
- ⏤ 17 Weeks
- ⏤ 3 Days

Plan to achieve the human flag by strength (from bottom to top). Designed to train on wall bars, although you can also work on any vertical pole. Remember that the lower arm is always blocked and pushing, while the upper arm does not need to be blocked and is the one that pulls. Try to work the movement from the shoulders, not from the waist. Recommended to always work on all the progressions on each side.
Must know
Program designed to work 1 or 2 times a week. With a main routine and two reinforcement routines to complement.
Required Material
- Swedish ladder
- Pull up bar
- Bodyweight
- Box
- Low bar
- Parallettes
Being capable of doing:
- 8 prone pull-ups
- 20 push-ups
Phase 1 ⏤ 2 Weeks
Phase 2 ⏤ 2 Weeks
Fallen tucked flag
Phase 3 ⏤ 3 Weeks
Fallen flag
Phase 4 ⏤ 3 Weeks
Tucked flag elevations
Phase 5 ⏤ 3 Weeks
Flag opening
Phase 6 ⏤ 4 Weeks
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