Buttocks, abs and legs

In this Smart Progress we will work towards a goal of building all the muscles of the legs, including the buttocks, and the abdominals.
As a requirement to start this Smart Progress you must be able to do at least 15 squats.
Necessary material
You do not need material for this Smart Progress.
Do this Smart Progress between 1 and 3 times a week, depending on the importance you want to give to the GAP in your goals. If your planning is divided by muscle groups or by torso-leg, you can use this Smart for leg day.
Rest times
Use breaks between 30” and 1'30”, depending on how difficult the routine is for you.
To consider
Remember that if you want to have marked abs and legs, apart from increasing your muscles, you must reduce the percentage of body fat, accompanying your workouts with a diet suitable for your goals.
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