Legs muscle building

This Smart Progress is designed to work the muscles of the legs, including quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and calves.
You can start as a complete beginner, so there is no minimum requirement. The level test will adapt the routine to your ability.
Necessary material
No material is needed for this Smart Progress.
Do this Smart Progress between 1 and 3 times a week, depending on the priority you want to give to footwork.
Rest times
The objective of this Smart Progress is hypertrophy, so you can take intermediate breaks, from 45” when the routines are easy for you, up to 2' when they are complicated. In case you are already at a very advanced level, you can extend the breaks up to 3-5 minutes.
To consider
Working the legs with calisthenics requires a fairly high volume of work and using difficult exercises, which you will notice as you progress through the routine. With this Smart Progress you will learn skills like the pistol squat or the airborne squat.
Other EVO Routines