Rings Mastering

In this Smart Progress we will work with the rings in order to learn and master the different exercises and improve the strength and muscle mass of the upper body.
You can start this Smart Progress as a beginner. The level test will adapt the routine to your ability.
Necessary material
You will need some rings that you can adjust to different heights.
Perform this routine between 1 and 4 times a week, depending on whether you combine it with other workouts or not. If your planning is torso - legs, this Smart can be used as a torso day.
Rest times
This Smart Progress has a strength-hypertrophy objective, so you can use intermediate rests between 1':30” and 3', depending on how difficult the routine is for you.
To consider
In this Smart Progress you will learn ring skills such as the muscle up, some back and front lever progressions and specific exercises.
Other EVO Routines