Shoulders and triceps muscle building

This Smart Progress is designed to work on the shoulders, specifically its front part, and triceps. The pectoral will also receive some work since the exercises are pushing.
You must be able to do at least 5 push-ups, the level test will adapt the routine to your ability.
Necessary material
No material is needed for this Smart Progress.
Do this Smart Progress for Shoulder Day 1-2 times a week. Keep in mind that most of the exercises also work the chest, so don't do it close to chest day. If your training is of the 'push, pull, leg' type, this Smart serves as a push day.
Rest times
The objective of this Smart Progress is hypertrophy, so you can take intermediate breaks, from 45” when the routines are easy for you, up to 2' when they are complicated. In case you are already at a very advanced level, you can extend the breaks up to 3-5 minutes.
To consider
We will work with basic repetition exercises, without learning skills such as handstands, planks and others. For these movements you have both specific training programs and Smart Progress dedicated to each one of them.
Other EVO Routines