Upper Body

With this Smart Progress we will work the muscles of the upper body, emphasizing pectorals, dorsals, shoulders, biceps and triceps. Ideal for people who divide their workouts into torso - legs or people who do not require training the lower body.
You can start this Smart Progress as a beginner, intermediate or advanced. The level test will adjust the routine to your ability.
Necessary material
You will need a pull-up bar and parallel bars.
Perform this Smart Progress 2-3 times a week, depending on how you divide your training.
Rest times
The objective of this Smart Progress is hypertrophy, so you can take intermediate breaks, from 45” when the routines are easy for you, up to 2' when they are complicated. In case you are already at a very advanced level, you can extend the breaks up to 3-5 minutes.
To consider
In this Smart Progress we will work mainly with pull-ups, funds, push-ups and abdominal exercises. We will not learn skills like muscle up, back lever, etc. For these objectives, use the Smart Progress or corresponding programs.
Other EVO Routines