Wed Oct 28

Core: what is it and how to train it

Yerai Alonso

Yerai Alonso

Core: what is it and how to train it

As its name says it is the center of our body, which is mainly made up of the rectus abdominis, buttocks, obliques and the lower back or lumbar area. The main function of the core and more precisely the abdomen is to stabilize the spine, which is why it is considered the central pillar of training. Therefore, these areas should be trained due to the great transfer that they generate in the different movements of both body weight or external weight, reducing the risk of injury.

In the specific case of calisthenics, the core is used in pelvic retroversion and anteversion to stabilize the body avoiding overloading the spine, especially with horizontal exercises such as the plank (push) and the front lever (pull). It is important to note that the work on the core is not only applied in movements of medium or advanced difficulty, but also in simple exercises such as the Australian rows (Australian pull ups) in which because it is a pull movement in which we look upwards, a slight pelvic anteversion is applied, which can be understood as an elevation of the hip so that it is parallel to the floor. On the other hand, in horizontal pushing exercises such as push-ups, the opposite is done since the person is looking towards the ground, the movement when climbing must be accompanied by a pelvic retroversion, which can be defined as the intention to generate a pressure in the abdominal area to straighten the center of the body.


Plank one of the best exercises for abdomen. It consists of keeping the forearms supported (these should be parallel to the shoulders forming a 90 degree angle) and feet, keeping the body in a straight line. For greater difficulty, form an angle greater than 90 degrees between shoulders and elbows; On the other hand, contracting or compacting the abdomen even more will generate greater resistance and work in the abdominal area.


Elevation of the pelvis on the floor or bridge, is an exercise that seeks to work the hamstrings, quadratus lumbar and glutes. It is very simple to do since no equipment is required to perform it, to start you must place yourself on the floor on your back, then bring your heels close to the buttocks and raise your hips until it forms a totally straight diagonal line, perform a short pause to concentrate the force on the hamstrings, lower back and glutes, to finish return to the starting position. This exercise can be simple, so to increase the difficulty, people can place their heels on a chair or any elevated surface, this will generate a greater stimulus and if the exercise is still simple, the difficulty can be increased by performing the exercise at a leg.

Finally, in CALISTENIAPP you will find routines to train the core and the whole body without going to a gym.


-- Tu entrenador personal: Musculatura abdominal. - Trunz-Carlisi, E. (2013) - Editorial HISPANO EUROPEA


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