Assisted one arm pull-up on rings
Biceps - Lats

- Place a ring at a high height and the other at a medium height.
- From that position, perform pull-ups, trying to focus the effort on the arm that is high, and using the other one as little as possible.
- Vary the height of the lower ring to modify the difficulty.
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Flag elevations
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Mesías sequence
Abs ∙ AnteriorDeltoid ∙ Biceps ∙ Calves ∙ ExternalRotators ∙ Forearms ∙ Glutes ∙ Hamstrings ∙ HipFlexors ∙ Lats ∙ LowerChest ∙ LowerTrapezius ∙ Lumbar ∙ Obliques ∙ Quadriceps ∙ RearDeltoid ∙ Serratus ∙ SideDeltoid ∙ Tibialis ∙ Triceps ∙ UpperChest ∙ UpperTrapezius